Sometimes after a period of high activity I simply need to rest and relax or duck out into nature’s wild grandeur to refresh. Soon I will be seeing the Centennial Mountains looming over the Centennial Valley and feeling at “home” again.
I haven’t scheduled any posts to be published while I am away but I will try to post from the field.
Until I get my fill of nature I am ducking out for a bit…
Life is good.
This hen Cinnamon Teal was photographed last September at Red Rock Lakes National Wildlife Refuge using my Nikon D810 with my Nikkor 500mm VR.
Enjoy-I too am heading out to the mountains for a much-needed break.
Love this image, Mia. Sometimes it’s the simple stuff that works best.
One reason I like ducks so much is that, like this one, they’re always smiling! They often sound like they’re laughing and the way they walk makes me laugh…..