Greater Sage-Grouse on a high sagebrush steppeGreater Sage-Grouse on a high sagebrush steppe

Well yesterday morning was exciting because of finding several Greater Sage-Grouse flocks on a high sagebrush steppe. A couple of times they flushed before I saw them and the sound they made when taking off almost scared my jeans off of me. They are such big birds but they blend right into their habitat quite easily. I hope to see and photograph more of them before heading home.

Editing on my laptop is a royal pain because I can’t detect softness or sharpness on it like I can on my desktop. If these images look awful please let me know!

Calling White-tailed Prairie DogCalling White-tailed Prairie Dogs

I was thrilled beyond thrilled to take images of several White-tailed Prairie Dogs up on the high sagebrush steppe not far from the Greater Sage-Grouse because the prairie dogs are lifers for me, so even though I have seen these cuties before I had never photographed them.  I only count birds and animals as lifers when I take photos of them, no matter how bad they are.  Watching and photographing the prairie dogs was a great time for me. I took several hundred images of these guys.

I don’t know what today will bring but I say… bring it on!

Life is good.


Click here to see more of my Greater Sage-Grouse photos plus facts and information about this species.

Click here to see more of my White-tailed Prairie Dog photos plus facts and information about this species.