Young mangrove in early morning lightYoung mangrove in early morning light

We abuse land because we regard it as a commodity belonging to us. When we see land as a community to which we belong, we may begin to use it with love and respect. – Aldo Leopold

I’m a nature lover and a photographer who sees the natural world not just from behind my camera but with every breath and step that I take.

I can’t understand those who regard the natural world as worthless except for what they can extract from it while stealing from future generations.

I can’t understand how those people; who might have children themselves, can pollute the water, land and air and damage every fiber of the environment just to fatten their checkbooks.

I can’t understand people like that. I don’t want to.

But they need to know that those of us who love nature and respect our natural community are not going to go away and that we won’t stop fighting.

Not today and certainly not tomorrow.
