Bald Eagle on a lofty perch – Nikon D300, f6.3, 1/1000, ISO 640, +0.3 EV, Nikkor 200-400mm VR with 1.4x TC at 400mm, natural light, not baited
I feel so very fortunate to be able to photograph wild Bald Eagles in Utah, Florida, Montana and beyond because we almost lost them and may have had it not been for Rachel Carson’s book Silent Spring and the subsequent banning of the pesticide DDT in the U.S. in 1972.
Bald Eagles and other raptor populations have been able to bounce back. We have scores of scientists, biologists, environmentalists, concerned citizens, conservation-minded legislators, the EPA and Rachel Carson to thank for that.
As hundreds of Bald Eagles make their way to Utah to their wintering grounds here I can not imagine not hearing their calls, seeing them soar against the background of the Wasatch Mountains or not seeing them perched on the ice of Farmington Bay WMA or Bear River National Wildlife Refuge. I can not imagine not being able to raise my lens and see Bald Eagles through my viewfinder as a bird photographer and nature lover.
We owe a lot to those who worked hard on saving Bald Eagles from extinction.
Life is good.
Wonderful. I hope that we will always have you to send out your photos for use to view. Thank you for sharing. They are really beautiful.
magnificent!!!!!! tweeted
They are a wonderful sight to see this time of year and the adults are the easiest raptors for me to identify in flight. Rachel Carson certainly gets the credit for getting the ball rolling that saved these beautiful birds from extinction.
i hope that I never tire of eagles, whethet in photos or in the wild, still thrills me to spot one.
I have never (and will never) seen one in the wild – but am so grateful that others can. Love this image of the majesty too.
Hi! Beautiful coverage of the Eagles! We have one near by and I love to watch it! It has never been low enough for me to catch a photo! Have a great day!Miss seeing your great area?
Awesome! Love it