White-crowned Sparrow juvenile on sagebrush – Nikon D810, f13, 1/400, ISO 500, Nikkor 500mm VR with 1.4x TC, natural light, not baited
Earlier this week I was able to photograph a juvenile White-crowned Sparrow up close while it fed on sagebrush seeds on Antelope Island State Park. The sparrow was so close that I had to turn off my limiter and thought about switching from DX mode to FX mode just to keep the whole bird in the frame. I decided to stick with DX mode which uses a cropped sensor and hope for the best.
Juvenile White-crowned Sparrow feeding on sagebrush seeds – Nikon D810, f13, 1/400, ISO 500, Nikkor 500mm VR with 1.4x TC, natural light, not baited
Because I was so close to the feeding sparrow I also had to stop down to f13 to keep the whole bird and most of the sagebrush in focus. In the two minutes I photographed this White-crowned I took 198 images of it so I still have a lot of them to sort through and edit.
I like how both of the images show the streaked back and wing patterns of the juvenile White-Crowned Sparrow.
Life is good.
My Nikon D810 gives me the option of switching from DX mode that uses the cropped sensor and FX mode which uses the whole sensor or full frame.
What a charmer. And what amazing camoflague.
Great work. At one-hundred shots per minute, you are really working at times in the field. Then there is the processing. Thanks for sharing these details and keep up the good work Mia. Love it.
Wonderful images Mia. 198 is a lot
Would love to see more.
Beautiful! Thank you!