What does wilderness mean to most people? I really can’t speak for others but wilderness brings me peace, hope and the desire to immerse myself into it as much as I possibly can. I believe that nature heals and that it has healed me when I have gone through rough patches on the path I have taken thus far.
I believe we do need refuge and we find it in wide open spaces or in the shadow of the trees overhead. Or the sound of waves crashing on the shore. The song of a yet unidentified bird. A place where we can reconnect with ourselves and nature.
Escaping into the wilderness if only for a little while does give me hope. It always does and always will.
Life is good.
Agreeing about 1000 per cent (conservatively speaking) from here too.
Nice image of the Ravens and another great quote from Edward Abbey. I think Lois echoed my thoughts well. Thanks again Mia for your all your work and inspiration.
Well put!! I’m on board 100%.
Mia-you bring the peace and wonderment of Nature to all who read your posts.
You bring out the inner Spirit and Peace that we all long for whether immersed in Nature or reading a post and drinking in the gorgeous pictures you take!
I’m not a professional photographer or an avian expert like most of you, but you can’t imagine what wonders you bring my way–Thank You!
100%. GREAT stuff. I remember one time I left a park (to work at another park), and the Superintendent saw me looking sad, and he said, “It’ll always be here.”
It was just what I need to hear. I hope he’s right. =)
You are extra special person Mia! Thank you for all the wonderful work
Mia, I agree with you. As with you I find much peace and inner fulfillment my soul is rejuvenated. You must get past the just looking and learn to really see and feel.
In absolute agreement. It’s unlikely that I’ll ever see the places you visit … but I just like knowing they’re there!!! (Plus I love my cyber visits via your blog!!)