Utah Juniper – Dead Horse Point, Utah
Conservation is a state of harmony between men and land. – Aldo Leopold
From my own experiences I know that I feel a sense of wonder and harmony when I am immersed in nature. I would love to say that while I am wandering around exploring the natural wonders we have been gifted with that I can forget about the assaults on the land and the creatures that live there but I can’t.
Daily I see how a species is threatened by over-development, habitat destruction or chemicals we have introduced into the environment or how apex predators are hunted down and slaughtered because of superstition or misinformation and how a few thoughtless people can destroy ancient rock formations or desecrate priceless rock art and fossils without caring about their worth to future generations. I can’t forget those assaults even when I am miles away from “modern” civilization because I care very deeply for the land, for the birds, the wildlife and for its future.
There are many people and organizations that are actively working to achieve a state of harmony between man and land and they give me hope but hope alone isn’t enough.
We have to do more. Educate more. Inspire more. Demand more. And yes, fight more to achieve that harmony.
I photographed this Juniper at Dead Horse State Park in Utah high above the Colorado River. For more information about Dead Horse State Park and the legend of Dead Horse Point please click here. One day I hope to go back to Dead Horse Point and photograph this Utah Juniper again with fluffy clouds in the background.
I mostly do my part with donations; thanks again for all you do Mia. I visited DHP years ago and so I had to read the sad legend and see more photos (see them at moab-utah.com)
‘We have to do more. Educate more. Inspire more. Demand more. And yes, fight more to achieve that harmony.
I agree completely…for my part I try to put the inspiration and education part to work in my art and I’ve moved into putting my images on home decor products (myself – not mass produced). My feeling is that if people are surrounded and reminded on a daily basis – awareness of and love for the natural world has to increase.
As an artist I find that if a person sees an image that moves them they are far more likely to notice that bird or animal or as in this case – a tree. Often have people coming back to tell me they saw a bird ‘just like the one in your painting’
Love your work Mia and the fact that you care so deeply…
Thank you for your dedicated action for our conservation Grace!!! And Thank You Mia!
I second what Grace Dunklee cojen has so eloquently said…she is so right…as you are, too! If only we did truly, wholeheartedly practice effective conservation how different things could be…how much more peaceful, safe and beautiful this little planet could be….
Mia, you are doing SO MUCH to further awareness and action for conservation! THANK YOU! Years ago, I attended a weekend workshop on Conservation hosted by the Sierra Club. I am very busy and don’t have much time for activism, so I asked what, in my limited time, ONE THING I could DO to help make a real difference. They said WRITE … write letters to elected officials, write letters to editors, and get the issues out in front of the people. When elected officials are contacted by mail, email or (especially) by phone, they take notice. Amazingly, whenever they ever get feedback from more than a few people, it is considered a big response. So it’s easy to rally a few like-minded folks to speak up and make a difference. If you write letters to editors in local, regional, and national newspapers and magazines – AND – you MENTION SPECIFIC ELECTED OFFICIALS, those officials will see a clipping cross their desk in no time. And always be sure to speak up in support of elected officials and those dedicated organization supporters who do stand up for the environment. These things CAN – and DO MAKE A DIFFERENCE.
So, keep speaking up and speaking out, Mia. And THANK YOU!! YOU EDUCATE US AND INSPIRE US ALL TO TAKE ACTION! Singularly, we each are one quiet voice. But when we unite to take stands for conservation, we can be a mighty force for change!
Oh my goodness! This is absolutely beautiful!