Calling juvenile Black-necked Stilt at Farmington Bay WMA, Davis County, UtahCalling juvenile Black-necked Stilt

There has been a theme for my posts this week, shorebirds and birds from the shore and so far they have all been from Florida but today I am mixing it up and sharing a juvenile Black-necked Stilt image that I created last month here in Utah.

Farmington Bay Waterfowl Management area is a great place to see Black-necked Stilts during the breeding season and to see their young later on.

Between calling American Avocets and Black-necked Stilts it can get a bit noisy at times but for me it is a good kind of noise. Much better than the ticking of a clock reminding me of deadlines, it is more like the melody of the season.

Still wandering!

Life is good.


Click here to see more of my Black-necked Stilt photos plus facts and information about this species.