Red-tailed Hawk
Of 2013 on this last day of December.
Ring-necked Pheasant
I saw plenty of bird butts this past year. Little birds, big birds and all the birds in between.
Rough-legged Hawk
Now all this birds seem to be rushing away from the past…
Western Grebes
And into the New Year also know as the Future.
Turkey Vulture
There will be bright skies and gray, some filled with sunshine and some with rain. There will be snow storms and rainbows to delight in.
Barn Owl flying away
Yes, we are all seeing the tail end of 2013.
Life is good.
If you posted these on Flickr, you’d probably get an invite to the “animal butts” group. They find these shots.
What an interesting study of bird’s tails; they sometimes seem to act as some type of a lever also. Happy new year!
What a terrific, creative post!!
wishing you all the best in the new year!!
Even your butt shots are a joy. Thank you – and a very Happy New Year.
Wow – Mia!! What a wonderful look at the tail-end of 2013!! Thank you for sharing these magnificent photos with us!!
Wonderful photos and the best birding in 2014, Mia!
HA! What a great post to end the Year. I’m looking forward to what you photograph in 2014 Mia.
I have to laugh … that’s ALL I ever get … butt shots … but how I adore yours!!! LOVE the grebes and the sparkly water they churned up!!!!!! Happy New Year, Mia, and thanks for all the great images!!!!
Beautiful shots, Mia. Always! Happy New Year!
Aaaah, but looking at butt ends shows colouring that you don’t normally see. Great shots Mia.
Roll on 2014. Great birds too.
Thank you for the Tail End of 2013 postings. The pictures say all that needs to be said. Love your amazing Zen like photography. You have brought me so much joy in 2013.I so look forward to your offerings in 2014.