Barn Owl in snowy marsh habitatBarn Owl in snowy marsh habitat – Nikon D300, f6.3, 1/640, -1.7 EV, Nikkor 200-400mm VR with 1.4x TC at 300mm, natural light, not baited

I spotted this beautiful Barn Owl on a snow bank yesterday along the side of a dirt road at Farmington Bay Waterfowl Management Area, the light was dreadful but I still enjoyed watching it as it captured prey and ate it, preened, flew and rested. I wish there were more light in the owl’s eyes or that the light had been better period but if it had been brighter the owl might not have been out hunting and flying around. I’ll post more images of this Barn Owl at another time.

Happy Christmas Eve.


Click here to view more of my Barn Owl photos plus facts and information about this species.