Tricolored Heron perched in White Mangroves – D70, handheld, f5.6, 1/640, Nikkor 70-300mm VR at 240mm, natural light
This image was taken before the dawn of time when prehistoric birds still roamed the planet placing any humanoid in imminent danger when getting too close to these apex predators in subtropical estuarine habitats. I risked my life to get this image and barely made it out of the tangle of mangroves to share the story.
Okay, maybe it wasn’t that long ago and certainly not too dangerous but this image of a Tricolored Heron perched in White Mangroves happens to be the first photo that I had taken of a this species that I was very happy with. All the others before got tossed into my delete bin.
I loved the habitat, the heron’s pose and great view of the watermelon pink eyes and how this image shows that while the habitat might have made for a very busy background that the Tricolored stands out well. I like images that show the natural environment that my subjects live in so this one fits the bill quite well. Weedon Island Preserve in Pinellas County, Florida has a wonderful boardwalk that allows people to walk through terrific habitat for all kinds birds including Tricolored Herons and the elusive Mangrove Cuckoo.
Why did it take me so long to share this image? I had to go backwards through the mists of time to retrieve it!
Everyone needs a little silliness now and then, I guess today it is my turn.
Life is good.
Click here to see more of my Tricolored Heron photos plus facts and information about this species.
*I am out in the wilderness fending off other dangerous birds, please feel free to share this post with other humanoids.
A wonderful image, for all of the reasons you mentioned. I like seeing the detail of the vegetation in the habitat.
SUCH a beautiful photo of a gorgeous bird! LOVE the light.
Superb shot, Mia!
I can relate to becoming hopelessly entangled in dense mangrove swamps just to get closer to a bird who usually flies long before I get in range. And that’s just stepping from the parking lot onto the boardwalk!
Hi! This is the must striking color photo! I love it. Have a great day!
What an incredible bird. And silliness is always good – there isn’t enough of it around.
The dinosaur connection is easy to see in this beautiful photo. Yellowstone has a similar effect on me, taking me back in time when the planet was younger and no humans were around.
Very funny:) They are prehistoric aren’t they? Great shot and a good tip for beginners. Best time to see them is early in the morning when humans aren’t getting into their spaces. Love your crisp and clear images.
I love your humor here, and great picture
Yup! You’re silly (creative?)..even so,” silly” or not, you’re a darned good photographer! We used to live in South Miami, so I miss the Banyan trees, the sound of the breeze in the palms, the soft night air, jasmine, plumeria, ,Jacaranda trees, palmettos, the Seagrape, loquats, mangos, HOT white sand, turquoise water, hermit crabs, the Mangroves and so many other things.
“before the dawn of time when prehistoric birds still roamed the planet placing any humanoid in imminent danger when getting too close to these apex predators in subtropical estuarine habitats”
And you were there!! acquiring a beautiful image with prehistoric camera gear – a D70 and 70-300mm!
What a beauty, fantastic shooting Mia.
Some birds do look more prehistoric than others, so why no indulge in a bit of fantasy occasionally!