Today marks the publication of my 700th post for On The Wing Photography. Yesterday I passed the 250,000 views mark on my blog which has reached viewers in 170 countries.
I’m so grateful to all of my viewers, for the comments you make on my posts, about my images and for the information you share with me. It has been a learning experience for me. I love sharing my photos with you all and hope that some of the tips I give have been helpful. I’ve also gotten to meet so many wonderful people through this blog.
First I would like to say that I am not a writer. I am just someone who writes about what I photograph, about my subjects plus the stories behind the images.
I have some news I want to share with you all. Yesterday the new edition of the National Geographic Pocket Guides to Birds of North America; by Laura Erickson and Jonathan Alderfer, hit the book store shelves.
The reason I am writing about this book is because it has two of my images in it!
Loggerhead Shrike in early spring
This Loggerhead Shrike image is on page 110.
Snowy Egret take off
And this Snowy Egret is on page 39.
When I was a child I used to pour over the National Geographic Magazines that were a gift subscription from my grand parents and as I grew older I also purchased books published by National Geographic. Who knew that one day my photos would be in a book published by National Geographic? I am truly honored.
This book has 192 pages with 160 of them devoted the top species of birds found in North America with beautiful illustrations and images and it is packed with information about those birds. The small size of the book makes it perfect for tucking into a backpack or as a handy reference book for carrying along in a vehicle.
The National Geographic Pocket Guides to Birds of North America book is now for sale at book stores, on and
My sincere thanks for all of your comments and congratulations on this post and my images being published in the National Geographic Pocket Guide to North American Birds. It was an honor to have them published!
Ronnie, I do have adult children. I spend most of my time out photographing so I guess outside of my photography that leaves very little room for anything else!
Congrats Mia!
Congrats, Mia! NG has great taste; your photos are incredible!
How very exciting!
Hi! What a great honor you have received. To be picked to have 2 pictures in the Handbook by National Geographic in 2013 I am so thrilled for you! To have friends all over the world is such a awesome thing and all The post 700 !!!!!!!! Live your life and photo’s to fullest!
Your photos and stories are always amazing. Congratultions on having your photos in National Geographic.
I would love to hear your life story. Will you do a blogg on what got you started, Are you married have kids,Is it a family outing etc. when your out.I love you photo of you sitting in the water to get your shots.
Congratulations Mia. Both are stunning images.
Congratulations Mia with this more then well deserved placement of two pictures in this guide, your photographs are always superb and I love the stories you accompany with all the pictures. Keep up this fantastic work, I enjoy it.
Mia, I have 3 NG guides. The big reference one, a 2nd outdated, and a 3rd pocket guide for birds of Florida. And you’re in the North America guide. Congrats again!
Congratulations for getting your images in the field guide, Mia! That is so exciting, and is definitely deserved. I enjoy your photography and read every post on your blog.
Congratulations Mia. I have often thought that alot of your photos belong in a field guide. I have two NG books now, will have to check out this new edition.Congrats on 700 posts-keep them coming!
Congrats, Mia!
Echoing the congratulations you’re receiving from your fans!
Great blogging milestone!
Great PUBLISHED photographs!
Great source of continuing education for all of us out here struggling to make a decent image of the creatures we love so much.
All the best for the future. — Wally
congratulation for the 700 post mia
prepare a good party for the 1000 ;-)))
on my side, i post 1 picture each day.. it s 855 today, 1000 not too far too ^_^
i understand your pleasure to share, and to receive comment from other
and thanks for the 2 pictures presented, the second is stunning, a good action captured face to you, excellent
It doesn’t take too many words… sometimes words get in the way. Poetry is what is NOT said …. your photos speak volumes ….
Congratulations! I hope this imspires you to go on to publish your own story… the music that lights your way into such amazing adventures and poetic creations as you share with us all here.
Congratulations, Mia! Let me take this time to tell you how much I learn from and appreciate your photos and write-ups. Thank you.
Wow – a bunch of milestones on this great day for you, Mia! Congratulations
Thanks for sharing your friend’s expedition blog. We kayak quite a bit and I’m always interested in hearing about people’s experiences.
DOOD! Congratulations! You are now immortal, as are your amazing shots. I’ve spent a LOT of time around snowy egrets, and I’ve never seen one (well, partly ’cause I’m not a great camera wielded by a pro) look like that. Amazing.
When looking for my 1st field guide to birds, our local super-expert directed me toward the Nat Geo book. Sold.
I’m so STOKED for you! =)
Oh, and WOW re: what your friend did. I’m WAY going to his blog next. Thanks for the heads up! I Used to Hate Birds blogger Jen has started a sub-bird-list where she only records species she’s seen when she’s traveled under her own power (walking, biking, etc.). Love that.
Utterly Well deserved and long overdue… ! Congratulations Mia..
That is a well deserved honor. Congratulations!
I’m smiling from ear to ear!!!! Really makes me happy to see the success of a friend. Keep it up Mia. Can’t wait to see what the future brings for you. More success, I am sure.
Congrats on the NatGeo publication! That is AMAZING! What an honor and I too loved that magazine as a kid. Was certainly interested in Rod’s journey since I know much of the Missouri and the portages around the dams that must have sucked in many spots….They don’t put most of those in easy places to get around them (like steep rock walls of canyons).
Wonderful, Mia! Your photographs are really lovely and you deserve to have them recognized.
Congratulations Mia !!
Congrats Mia. I have two of the NG guides and I really like them. I love that Loggerhead Shrike shot.
Congratulations and well deserved, Mia!!!
Congrats Mia! That is awesome and so well deserved! I just wonder how you only got two in there with all your amazing work!
Congratulations on your 700th post and having your pictures in National Geographic!
Congratulations Mia, what a fantastic and well-deserved achievement! You are always so generous with your advice and encouragement, you’ve made a big difference to my year and I’m totally rapt for you.
Awesome, congratulations on all counts Mia:)