Male Tree Swallow in flight – Nikon D200, f6.3, 1/1250, ISO 400, Nikkor 200-400mm VR with 1.4x TC at 400mm, natural light
I have been seeing Tree Swallows this past week, another sure sign of Spring’s impending arrival. I’ve seen them skimming over fields looking for insects and enjoyed the brilliant flashes of the sapphire blues of the males.
This male Tree Swallow in flight image was taken two years ago at Red Rock Lakes National Wildlife Refuge in Montana and for some reason I had not processed it until now. The Tree Swallows were looking to take over an active Mountain Bluebird nest box and the bluebirds were busy defending the nest box while still trying to find food for their chicks. It was actually very interesting to watch and photograph the skirmishes.
Life is good.
Click here to see more of my Tree Swallow photos plus facts and information about this species.
Thank you Chris, Susan and Dave.
Impressive! Such a tough shot to get.
Awesome, I’ve never been able to get a decent shot of these birds
Great image Mia! Love their colors:)
You nailed it, Mia! Not easy to do with these birds.
Thank you Julie.
Gorgeous bird! Great capture! These guys are fast!!!
Thanks Beverly, they really are fast.
Wow – incredible photo, Mia! The colors and detail are amazing…
Thank you Tami. I loves the blues these male Tree Swallows show.
Excellent work Mia!
Thanks Ricky!
I love those iridescent blue feathers.
Thanks Maria, I love those iridescent blues too
A truly amazing capture Mia. I have Tree Swallows in my nest boxes every year and I know how difficult they are to photograph on the wing. He is gorgeous and the light is perfect. Awesome!
Thanks Larry, they are such a handsome species.
it s not so easy to get it in fligth, because they are very fast,
but when you get it, it s always a pleasure at the end, well catched mia
where i m living, swalows arent comes yet, but it s not far, it s always a pleasure to dicover it again each saeson
to show you somes swallows who live there, a comon swallow in the village
the Barn Swallow (but on this shoot, we don t see bottom neck colors
an an other specie, a bit more rare here,
the with a Red-rumped Swallow
have a good sunday mia, here it s raining
Eric, thank you for sharing your swallow images from France, they sure are beautiful!
They are hard to capture in flight which makes me even happier when I can get a sharp image of one flying.