Adult Swainson’s Hawk light morph – Nikon D300, f6.3, 1/2000, ISO 640, +0.7 EV, Nikkor 200-400mm VR with 1.4x TC at 400mm, natural light, not baited
It is dark outside as I write this and there is perhaps 1 to 2 inches of snow on the ground and it is still coming down, winter is trying to hang on while spring is trying to push its way in. The seasons clash this time of the year and fluctuations in temperature and precipitation are expected.
What else is expected?
I know that I am expecting an influx of migrating birds including Swainson’s Hawks. Last year I saw my first of the year Swainson’s Hawk on April 10th in Box Elder County in northern Utah. It was a delightful day with clear skies and nice light and the hawk above is that Swainson’s.
As soon as this cold front passes I will be out looking for the birds of spring. Swainson’s Hawks will arrive any day now and I am ready for them!
Life is good.
Click here to see more of my Swainson’s Hawk photos plus facts and information about this species.
Beautiful Mia. I don’t know if your readers know this but the Swainson’s Hawk is now reduced in numbers or distribution throughout its range and considered to be declining in Utah, Nevada, and Oregon. They are listed as a Species of Special Concern in Utah, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington, and as Threatened in California. These beautiful raptors were historically considered “vermin” and shot by ranchers and farmers until the late 1930’s, even though they actually prey on agricultural pests and are beneficial. Hopefully the general public is more educated about wildlife these days. Information from Birds of North America Online.
I have to wonder if habitat loss and pesticides don’t play a big part in the decline of Swainson’s Hawks. Many people don’t realize that during breeding season Swainson’s Hawks consume far more insects than rodents and that grasshoppers are a main source of prey. So poison the grasshoppers and they might be poisoning the hawks.
I keep coming back to thoughts of how badly we are screwing up the natural balance.
Awesome capture, Mia! Hope the hawks arrive soon!
Thanks Tammy.
I can’t wait to see your first Swainson’s Hawk photograph of the year!
Thank you Charlotte!
I think you need to come teach me how to get these fabulous flight shots! You are waiting for hawks like I am the herons! cold and frigid here today with snow blowing through. Even at Freezeout they think the big “influx” of geese is over and it wasn’t that big!
Sherry, I have been seeing a lot of herons flying high lately, maybe they are some of the ones heading your way. It got frigid here again but there is a warming trend this week. I want to feel the sun warm me up again!
Yes!! we’re anticipating big movements here too. Next few weekends will be very busy/birdy.
Laurence, I hope your next few weeks are very birdy so I can see and read about them on your blog!
Swainson’s hawks were some of the birds we were noting in our nest & bird monitoring work this last week. They are SO elegant while being pretty darned big. Very sleek. Def. extra gorgeous & stylish. =) Hope you get to see them soon.
Thanks biobabbler. I heard from a friend yesterday that he spotted a Swainson’s in our area. Hopefully I will get to see one tomorrow.
We got a foot plus of snow but I heard my first Canada Goose at the neighbourhood park.We had a pair of Swainson Hawks by a bridge beside the river that flows through downtown , will be sure to check that out again this year. Lovely capture, Mia.
Jane, sorry to hear you got so much snow, spring is on the way though! Thanks for commenting.
Excellent action photo Mia !
Thank you John, these hawks make great subjects!!
Fantastic image Mia. Like you Mia, I can’t wait to see my first hawk of the season, most likely it will be a Red-Tail, but you just never know
Keeping my fingers crossed for both of us Susan!
hoo great, i like the feather’s details, very nice
not so easy to catch, only if he keeps same trajectory, you have the time to adjust the framing
have a good week end ☼
Thank you Eric, have a super weekend!
A flying Hawk, you can’t beat that.
I do love to catch them in flight! Thank you Bob.
Awesome capture, Mia! Happy Birding!
Thanks Eileen!