Awhile back someone told me (in a comment on this blog) that mergansers don’t change their plumage seasonally which is incorrect as all three species of mergansers that live in North America do.
Drake Red-breasted Merganser in breeding plumage
The image above shows a Red-breasted Merganser drake in breeding plumage. I took this image at a pond very close to where I live in Salt Lake County, Utah.
Note the very dark head plus the striking black and white patterns on the back of the merganser and evidence of the red breast this species gets part of its name from. Don’t you just love the shaggy, punk rock do these birds have?
Male Red-breasted Mergansers in eclipse plumage
All three of the birds in the image above are male Red-breasted Mergansers in eclipse plumage and look remarkably different than the male in breeding plumage shown above. Or maybe these mergansers are just females that got a really bad deal on smoky eye shadow at Walgreen’s.
Seriously, they are males in eclipse plumage photographed at Fort De Soto’s north beach in Florida.
It pays to have great bird guide books. I have plenty on a shelf right above my computer monitor and keep one in the vehicle with me too. I also have two bird guide apps on my smart phone so I can use them anywhere I am without the weight of a book. Not only can the guides help with a bird’s identification they can also help us distinguish the various plumage phases of birds or if they change seasonally.
At any rate, I’d say that these images of Red-breasted Merganser drakes show there is a seasonal change in their plumage.
Life is good.
Click here to view more of my Red-breasted Merganser photos plus facts and information about this species.
That top photo is perfect! A little comical in the one below but all birds do go through a molt.
Thanks Jane. Not all birds have breeding plumage, some just molt into fresh feathers to replace those that are worn.
These photos are beautiful with amazing detail and composition! Beautiful birds
Thanks very much Lynn.
Thank you for the eclipse image! I didn’t start seeing a lot of Red-breasted Mergansers until I moved to Seattle, and I wasn’t 100 percent sure about the smoky eye rings and which phase they indicated.
Thanks Ingrid!
Mia, what do you recommend for a “really good bird guide”. There are so many to choose from. As I don’t have a smart phone and don’t carry around apps, is there something else on-line that works well for you?
Hi Gary, thanks for stopping by my site.
The bird Guide book I most often reach for is my big Sibley Guide to Birds, in fact the binder on it has begun to crack I use it so much. Sibley is coming out with a new edition of it this year and I plan on buying it as soon as possible. I have many other guidebooks too and I use them as well.
This is a delightful post, I love that joke about the Walgreens make-up.
Thanks Maria, I thought the Walgreens joke might make a few people laugh
“Variety is the spice of life.” Apparently, ducks are pretty spicy ’cause it can be a challenge to figure out who is who as the fall, winter, spring can give them a startlingly different look! As you so expertly photographed!
Thanks Wally, female ducks can be a challenge to ID for me!
The plumage is so difference, I have never seen it like that, thanks for that. Beautiful pictures as well.
Thank you for your comment Bob, they are really very different in breeding and nonbreeding plumage.
Oh yeah they do! Although we most often only see them in breeding plumage as that is the only time they arrive this far north. I love their punk harido best of all!
Thanks Sherry, I love that punk rock hairdo too!
Great photos to accompany a fun yet educational story, Mia. (and btw: smoky eyes are ALL the rage – or at least they appear to be based on the scary images I last saw in Vogue…)
Tami… I agree, smoky eyes do seem to be all the rage in fashion magazines I see that the check out!
Thanks for your comment and the smile it gave me.
Thank you Mia for this info and for the awesome photos!
Thank you John for your wonderful comment!
Love them! Beautiful, Mia!
they are too far away for me to get a pic.
Thanks Judy!