This Sandhill Crane image was taken last year at Red Rock Lakes National Wildlife Refuge in southwestern Montana. During the summer months the calls of the Sandhills echo across the Centennial Valley which is a prime nesting area for these large birds.
Sandhill Crane at Red Rock Lakes National Wildlife Refuge – Nikon D200, f6.3, 1/320, ISO 400, Nikkor 200-400mm VR with 1.4x TC at 400mm, natural light, not baited or called in
A ten million year old crane fossil from the Miocene period was found in Nebraska which is identical in structure to modern Sandhills. Although that fossil record has been disputed¹ the oldest unequivocal Sandhill Crane fossil is 2.5 million years old, over one and a half times older than the earliest remains of most living species of birds making them the oldest known surviving bird species.
So, each time we see or hear Sandhill Cranes we are listening to and looking at a real living fossil. The cranes still follow the same ancient migration routes too.
Life is good.
Click here to see more of my Sandhill Crane photos plus facts and information about this species.
¹ Update, the 10 million year old fossil is believed to be that of a Crowned Crane.
I saw them in Florida too. I hear they are in Bosque del Apache too, but it’s too hot there!
Hi Maria, by the time the cranes get to New Mexico it is winter and it gets very cold at Bosque.
Hi! Great work! It is so beautiful! I enjoyed the history of the bird.
Thank you Mom!
I love the light on this photo!
Very pleasing, I admire!
Thank you very much Noushka.
Epic detail again. Nicely done.
Thanks Chris!
Beautiful image, I’m sure I’ll see one close up and personal some time soon:)
I hope you do get to see one close up and personal soon Susan.
I find these birds so interesting. Nice habitat shot. It doesn’t surprise me at all that they have been around so long.
Thank you Julie
I had no idea about the deep fossil record for Sandhills…thanks for dispensing this knowledge.
My pleasure Steve!
I love these fossils! We have year-round residents here in central Florida, but at this time of year, the skies and marshes are full of migrants. There haunting cry makes my day! (And my nights, too, lately as the northern visitors fly over.)
Wally, I used to like to go to the Celery Fields near Sarasota in the winter to photograph cranes and listen to their calls right before take off, that and the lions nearby that wintered there too. Every time I look at an image of a sandhill Crane I can hear them in my mind. Thanks for your comment.
Nice Crane photo.
Thanks much for commenting Bob.