Short-eared Owl bathed in evening light, Glacier County, MontanaShort-eared Owl bathed in evening light, Glacier County, Montana – Nikon D200, f6.3, 1/500, ISO 400, +0.7 EV, Nikkor 200-400mm VR with 1.4x TC at 400mm, natural light, not baited

This Short-eared Owl (Asio flammeus) image was taken just a little over a year ago in Glacier County, Montana. I still remember how cooperative this male was, the gorgeous golden light of the setting sun and the great location. I hope that I see more Short-eared Owls this summer, they have been a challenge to locate.

Life is good.


Click here to see more of my Short-eared Owl photos plus facts and information about this species.