I photographed this little Desert Cottontail rabbit yesterday on Antelope Island State Park. Black-tailed Jackrabbits are far more common on the island so I was tickled to see this cottontail near the hay barn.
Desert Cottontail – Nikon D200, f7.1, 1/160, ISO 400, Nikkor 200-400mm VR with 1.4x Tc at 400mm, natural light
The Cottontail was nibbling on fresh grass shoots that were emerging from the straw near the barn.
Life is good.
Click here to see more of my Desert Cottontail Rabbit photos plus facts and information about this species.
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We have several cottontails in the neighbor and never tire of seeing them..love the pose on this little guy..
Thanks Syl.
What a cutie. These live around my house and give me fits eating the lawn and my flowers!
When I lived back east it was a common sight to see Cottontails nibbling at the veggies in my garden, I never see them in town where I live now. Thanks for commenting Linda!
I love seeing cottontails in their habitat. And I like the partial turn in this pose, just lovely. (And Merill Ann, didn’t know that about the New England Cottontail … I’m going to look into that a bit.)
Thanks for the comment Ingrid.
Terrific photo, Mia, the contrast of the colors in the cottontail and the straw are very beautiful!
Thanks PraieiBirder, the rabbit sure looked comfy in the straw.
I love this little guy. He looks so sweet. Carol
Thank you Carol!
It looks like the URL for this information did not print in my response. So go to http:// newenglandcottontail (dot) org/ (just close up the spaces and change the (dot) to a period. Thanks.
Merrill, thanks for sharing the link on the New England Cottontail, I wasn’t aware of the possibility of them being listed as endangered and I’m very sorry to hear that they need to be listed. Thank you for your comment on this post & image.
I have just been reading about how the New England Cottontail (which lives in southern New England and eastern New York) is being considered for listing under the federal Endangered Species Act. It is losing its habitat. It now has less that 1/5 of its historic range… Check out for more information. Thanks so very much for this great photo of the Cotton Tail. I think most of us could never imagine a rabbit becoming endangered… which certainly gives pause for thought.
What a wonderful photo! Looks like such a sweet rabbit! Hope it stays away from all the beautiful raptors you photograph!
Thanks Tammy, Cottontails do look sweet.
Great Shot Mia! My resident cottontails, after showing them this picture, recognized this as Cousin Jake, who relocates up there during the summer months.
Nice of you to share your Cotton-tail’s cousin with me!