Last week while out photographing I spotted a Prairie Falcon in the midst of a tussle with two Common Ravens in mid air. At times it seemed that the falcon was chasing the ravens and then the tables would turn and it appeared that the ravens were diving at the falcon. After pointing out the falcon, I got ready to photograph it.

Prairie Falcon chasing a Common Raven, Antelope Island State Park, Davis County, UtahPrairie Falcon chasing a Common Raven – Nikon D300, f6.3, 1/1600, ISO 500, +0.3 EV, Nikkor 200-400mm VR with 1.4x TC at 400mm, natural light, not baited

Because the vehicle was still moving (I wasn’t driving), I was only able to get a few bad images of the tussle between the falcon and the ravens but the image above does show some of the fast and furious action that I saw.

Immediately I wondered if there were some sort of prey involved and within seconds I was able to locate a dead duck on the ice below the road. The Prairie Falcon was able to chase away the ravens and then it made several long sweeps back and forth above the prey.

Dorsal view of a Prairie Falcon in flight, Antelope Island State Park, Davis County, UtahDorsal view of a Prairie Falcon – Nikon D300, f6.3, 1/4000, ISO 500, +0.3 EV, Nikkor 200-400mm VR with 1.4x TC at 400mm, natural light, not baited or set up

While the Prairie Falcon was cruising above the dead duck I was able to get a few images of it in flight. I am certain that I have photographed this particular falcon several times before because of the single light colored feather (actually the underside of the feather) on the top of the bird’s right wing.

 Full frame flight image of a Prairie Falcon, Antelope Island State Park, Davis County, UtahFull frame flight image of a Prairie Falcon – Nikon D300, f6.3, 1/2000, ISO 500, +0.3 EV, Nikkor 200-400mm VR with 1.4x TC at 400mm, natural light, not baited or set up

Photographing falcons in flight is always a challenge because they fly so fast but with practice it does become easier. The Prairie Falcon flew very close several times and I was able to get this full frame image as it cruised by without clipping anything.

 Prairie Falcon with prey flying next to the causeway, Antelope Island State Park, Davis County, UtahPrairie Falcon with prey –  Nikon D300, f6.3, 1/2500, ISO 500, +0.7 EV, Nikkor 200-400mm VR with 1.4x TC at 400mm, natural light, not baited or set up

After making several passes over the dead duck the Prairie Falcon swooped down and grabbed the prey in its talons and flew some distance away to dine on the duck. When it landed with the prey a Bald Eagle spotted it, flew in then caused the falcon to drop the bird. The Bald Eagle grabbed the duck from the ground and flew out to land on the ice to feast on its stolen lunch.

A very interesting morning, but then nature never disappoints me.

Life is good.


Click here to see more of my Prairie Falcon photos plus facts and information about this species.