Little Blue Heron hunting in a tidal lagoon – Nikon D200, f5.6, 1/320, ISO 500, Nikkor 80-400mm VR at 185mm, natural light
Little Blue Herons were a wading bird that I saw often in Florida. The day I photographed this Little Blue Heron I was sitting quietly in the shallow water of a lagoon when this bird flew in and began to hunt. Nearby mangroves reflections made the water appear green and I felt that complimented the heron’s coloring nicely. This heron paid very little attention to me while I photographed it, maybe it just thought I was an odd looking piece of driftwood.
No matter what the bird thought of me sitting there clicking my shutter button I was able to take many images of this bird as it stalked small fish and shrimp in the lagoon that morning.
Pretty great way to start the day. Any day really.
Wonderful capture Mia. These are wonderful birds, I usually only see them 1-2x per year, never so close.
Thanks Dan, you are very kind