Near the headquarters of Red Rock Lakes National Wildlife Refuge there are several old wooden buildings, one of buildings had a bird feeder hanging in front and there were several different species of birds that were present.

Male Black-headed Grosbeak perched on an old wooden building, Red Rock Lakes National Wildlife Refuge, Centennial Valley, Beaverhead County, MontanaMale Black-headed Grosbeak perched on an old wooden building –  D200, f7.1, 1/500, ISO 250, 200-400mm VR with 1.4x TC at 400mm, natural light, near a feeder

This male Black-headed Grosbeak sure caught my eye with its beautiful orange, black and white plumage. This is a well known and widespread bird of western North America that breeds in dense deciduous forests, along waterways, old fields and thickets.

Male Black-headed Grosbeak perched on a rusty wagon wheel, Red Rock Lakes National Wildlife Refuge, Centennial Valley, Beaverhead County, MontanaMale Black-headed Grosbeak perched on an old rusty wagon wheel – D200, f7.1, 1/640, ISO 250, 200-400mm VR with 1.4x TC at 400mm, natural light, near a feeder

This was my first opportunity to photograph this Black-headed Grosbeak species and I found the rustic wooden building and the rusty wagon wheel to be appealing perches, though I would have preferred a more natural setting.

I did not have very much time to take pictures of this bird, there was a pickup coming down the road that caused the bird to fly away.

When I get back to Red Rock Lakes NWR in the summertime, I will be keeping my eyes open to look for the Black-headed Grosbeaks again.

Life is good.


Click here to see more of my Black-headed Grosbeak photos plus facts and information about this species.